The oddity that was the Flying Deck Cruiser
Between the end of WWI and the beginning of WWII, the U.S. Navy experimented with a number of, ultimately spurned, designs to create a hybrid aviation carrier or cruiser carrier– basically a cruiser...
View ArticleWarship Wednesday, May 16, 2018: Schermerhorn’s contribution to naval history
Here at LSOZI, we are going to take off every Wednesday for a look at the old steam/diesel navies of the 1859-1946 period and will profile a different ship each week. These ships have a life, a tale...
View ArticleThe Rock of the Marne, 100 years ago today
A U.S. Army Machine Gun Team from Company A, Ninth Machine Gun Battalion, 6th Infantry Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, AEF, man a machine gun set up in railroad shop in Chateau Thierry, France, on...
View ArticleJoubert’s Welsh trench sword
Thomas Scott-Ellis, 8th Lord Howard de Walden, was a polymath who had ridden with the 10th Hussars in the Boer War and was always ready for a fight. From the National Trust Tommy’s enormous range of...
View ArticleFord’s cutest tank
View of a Ford 3-Ton M1918 tankette, used during World War I and powered by a pair of Model T gaslone engines: Courtesy of the National Automotive History Collection, Detroit Public Library Handwritten...
View ArticleThe folly that was Maginot, 78 years on.
Built over two decades at the expense of huge portions of the French defense budget, the brainchild of French Minister of War André Maginot– some 5,000 interconnected concrete and steel blockhouses...
View ArticleJust what the “A1” means
Here is a great image from the Cody Museum showing a Great War-era Colt M1911 (bottom) compared to a post-war M1911A1. Via the Cody Museum The A1 designation came about in 1924 and changes to the...
View ArticleWarship Wednesday, July 4, 2018: Remembering the Independence most often...
Here at LSOZI, we are going to take off every Wednesday for a look at the old steam/diesel navies of the 1859-1946 period and will profile a different ship each week. These ships have a life, a tale...
View ArticleThe Maxim 1910 Silencer, in 30.06
The Cody Firearms Museum has an extensive collection of historic arms and they recently got a special look at one of their original “Silencers.” The pre-NFA vintage firearm suppressor brand named by...
View ArticleVintage greetings from the USS Rhode Island, Battleship No. 17
Via the Thomas Crane Public Library’s Fore River Shipyard Postcard Collection: Commissioned into the Atlantic Fleet in February 1906, Rhode Island was one of five Virginia-class pre-dreadnoughts built...
View ArticleThe GPF of Gulf Shores
Here we see a U.S. Model 1918M1 155mm gun, the famous French GPF (Canon de 155mm Grande Puissance Filloux, a direct copy of the C modèle 1917 Schneider) of the Great War, which equipped U.S. forces...
View ArticleWarship Wednesday, July 11, 2018: A big gun in a little boat
Here at LSOZI, we are going to take off every Wednesday for a look at the old steam/diesel navies of the 1859-1946 time period and will profile a different ship each week. These ships have a life, a...
View ArticleBattlewagon on a lake, 103 years ago today
Here we see the Illinois-class pre-dreadnought type battleship USS Wisconsin (BB-9) drawing 23 feet of water in Gatun Lake, Panama, 16 July 1915. Obsolete within five years of her commissoning, she...
View ArticleOf watercooled Brownings, obsolete landing guns and horse Marines
Marine Corps Photo #530953 entitled “Ready for Anything–Maneuvers outside of Peking” showing some well-outfitted Devil Dogs clad in overseas winter gear to include fur caps readying a Browning M1917...
View ArticleThe old warhorse put to rest
Today, 84 years ago, the lion that was the 6′ 5″ German Field Marshal and President Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg shuffled off to the great parade ground. He had the...
View ArticleTeddy Rex aboard Mayflower, 115 years ago today
Pres. Roosevelt, Admiral Dewey and Sec. Navy Moody reviewing war fleet from the patrol yacht USS Mayflower (PY-1) at Oyster Bay, Aug. 17, 1903. Flat followed by red-cyan stereo anaglyph to be viewed...
View ArticleNow that is Tyrolean
The great combined Austro-Hungarian Army of Emperor Franz Josef– as well as its two national reserve forces, the Royal Hungarian Honvéd and Imperial Austrian Landwehr–fielded the enbloc clip-fed...
View ArticleWarship Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018: Oscar’s boldest pansarbat
Here at LSOZI, we are going to take off every Wednesday for a look at the old steam/diesel navies of the 1859-1946 period and will profile a different ship each week. These ships have a life, a tale...
View ArticleWhat IS that on your head, Mr. Ottoman?
When looking at the rare images of the Ottoman Army in the Great War, one thing stands out– the odd headgear. German 7.7 cm Feldkanone 96 used by Turkish gunners as an anti-aircraft gun. Note the ready...
View ArticleThe stumpy Schneider
Around the 1900s, the French firm of Schneider-Creusot, or Schneider et Cie, or simply just Schneider, was a steam-era industrial powerhouse. Starting off with locomotives and the Creusot steam hammer...
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