The marital art of Charles Pears, RI, ROI, RSMA
Charles Pears working on an oil painting of ‘R.M.S. Orcades’ Born in the quiet market town of Pontefract, Yorkshire was an Englishman by the name of Charles Pears on 9 Sept. 1873. A professional...
View ArticleThe ultimate WWI Timecapsule
When French Army dragoons officer Hubert Rochereau rode off to the Great War, his family kept his room just as he left it. When Hubert did not come home, his parents preserved it as a shrine. Even...
View ArticleWarship Wednesday October 22, 2014 the Overachieving Gresham
Here at LSOZI, we are going to take out every Wednesday for a look at the old steam/diesel navies of the 1859-1946 time period and will profile a different ship each week. - Christopher Eger Warship...
View ArticleThe martial art of Romain Hugault
If you are a fan of modern aviation art, you know the work of Monsieur Romain Hugault. While a relative youngster (born in 1979) his work has gained international acclaim. The son of a military pilot,...
View ArticleThe coming of General Winter
January 9, 1915 French vision of Russia’s General Winter With the weather turning colder, I am reminded of this portrayal in a French magazine of the Russian winter blowing in off the steppes to...
View ArticleWarship Wednesday Nov 12, 2014: The Centennial State’s Dreadnought
Here at LSOZI, we are going to take off every Wednesday for a look at the old steam/diesel navies of the 1859-1946 time period and will profile a different ship each week. These ships have a life, a...
View ArticleThe Krag: America’s first modern rifle, by way of Norway
As a country, the United States has a long history of inventing and perfecting some of the best military systems in the world. However, there was a decade or so that included one of our first foreign...
View ArticleCharge of Flowerdew’s Squadron
Click to bigup Charge of Flowerdew’s Squadron, Painted by Sir Alfred James Munnings. Currently in the Beaverbrook Collection of War Art. Canvas was formerly at the Imperial War Museum in London; but it...
View ArticleOy, What kit is that?
A modern-day British Army soldier discusses his equipment with an interpreter kitted out as a British soldier from 1914.Part of ‘First World War in Focus’, an online learning resource from the National...
View ArticleThe martial art of William A Lewis
William A. Lewis served his country in the United States Navy in World War Two as a young man in his twenties. Born in Mo Town, he had attended the University of Michigan just before the war and...
View ArticleThe Tsar’s Crusaders
High up in the hills of the Georgian Caucasus mountains, is a mysterious tribe of highlanders who go by the name of the Khevsurs (also spelled Keveshur). These scattered 3200~ traditionalist Khevsureti...
View ArticleKiwi Infantry, 1918
George Edmund Butler’s drawing, currently in the New Zealand Military Museum Collection, entitled “Full marching kit, Corporal J W Cahill, 16 October 1918″. The artist’s annotation on this painting...
View ArticleNavy wants 20 Up-armored LCS to replace frigates
Lets just call a spade a spade. The Navy has a critical shortage of Subchaser/Destroyer Escort/Frigate type ships…again. Going back to the old steam and steel navy of the 1900s, the torpedo boat was...
View ArticleCombat Gallery Sunday : The Martial Art of Paul Rizhenko
Much as once a week I like to take time off to cover warships (Wednesdays), on Sunday, I like to cover military art and the painters, illustrators, sculptors and the like that produce them. Combat...
View ArticleMerry Christmas…
“A Christmas Truce – British and Germans Fraternise, December 1914 Soldiers of the rival armies exchanged sweets, cigars and cigarettes, and sang carols and sung in unison” An ink drawing from the...
View ArticleRare Russian Contract Luger
The Tsar’s military and police typically bought locally made rifles and carbines during their long history. Handguns, however, prior to about 1926, were not really a Russian thing. In the 1860s the...
View ArticleOf arms and armor, 100 years past…
The Great War on the Western Front started in August 1914 as a vast war of maneuver in which 7 German Armies swept across Belgium, Northern France and Luxembourg and met a combined Anglo-French force....
View ArticleWarship Wednesday Dec. 31, 2014 the Mystery of the St Anne, Flying Dutchman...
Here at LSOZI, we are going to take off every Wednesday for a look at the old steam/diesel navies of the 1859-1946 time period and will profile a different ship each week. These ships have a life, a...
View ArticleCombat Gallery Sunday : The Martial Art of William Barnes Wollen
Much as once a week I like to take time off to cover warships (Wednesdays), on Sunday, I like to cover military art and the painters, illustrators, sculptors and the like that produce them. Combat...
View ArticleCombat Gallery Sunday : The Martial Art of Anton Otto Fischer
Much as once a week I like to take time off to cover warships (Wednesdays), on Sunday, I like to cover military art and the painters, illustrators, sculptors and the like that produce them....
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